- 1 Daily Visit £15
- 2 Daily Visits £32
- Per Night Stay £20
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cat sitter?
About Me
Purrrfect Cat Sitting Service in London
Available during Christmas and New Year
I currently provide tutoring in Physics, Maths, and English to high school students. I love cats – for me, they are family. Here is an account of my encounter with cats, my own and those living in the neighborhoods. I cared for the kittens (1984, 1998) and the cats (1995, 2001) I owned for short periods of time. I fed them, play with them and gave them a lot of love and care. In return, my cats gave me sweet joy. In 2011, I lived in a house with a backyard, inaccessible to the upper floor. But from there, I was the witness to lots of cats from neighborhood gathering to lie down in the sun or on the grass during spring or summer or to take shelter during cold or wet days. I fed them through the window with cat food or leftovers from my meals. For me, all these lovely pets whose paths crossed with mine were family. This is how I view pets – as cherished family members and special companions, sharing a unique bond with their owners. People who grew up with pets in their house can appreciate the joys of being “adopted” by a pet. All the same, people who come in contact with pets know that they provide many great benefits, that is why raising a pet is an amazing experience not to be missed out. There are many reasons why I would consider that pets are family. Following are some of them. Pets are smart, much smarter than we think, as we discover more about their intelligence through publications and research. While measuring intelligence is difficult in animals due to lack of language and opposable thumbs, it is obvious that animals possess high intelligence. Any pet owner observing the pet’s daily routine can notice moments when the pet displays learning, remembering, emoting, defending, as signs of great intelligence. Pets are protective. It is generally believed that dogs are the most protective creatures, but this is not entirely accurate. For the domesticated animals, along with some of their wild instincts, protecting their human families is one of the most important instincts they have developed. We all have seen many stories in the news where cats, dogs, or other pets save their owners’ lives. Pets show emotions. Pets can’t express feelings using words, but we can easily recognize a dog’s joy and happiness by the way he wags his tail or a cat’s contentment by her purring. Studies show that dogs’ facial expressions, similar to human expressions, show different reactions to family members, strangers, and familiar objects. Many stories came to prove that pets grieve over family members losses. Pets cherish their owners. Owners know they are loved by their pets. When your dog wags his tail, following you through your home, licks you, jumps and leans on you, sleeps near you and even smiles at you, it is all means and methods to show your dog loves you. Cat’s ways, on the other hand, are of a different nature: they will purr, roll over, tap their head against you, knead on you with their paws, bring you “gifts”, groom you, and curl up with their back facing you. Cats blink at you, even though biologically they don’t need to blink, indicating that the cat trusts and cherishes you. Pets are loyal. They know their owners and families and show loyalty to them. For animals, their human family is their “pack”, with whom their bond. There are many examples showing pet sense of belonging to a family, such as pet returning home after being lost for many years, or standing by owner’s side through tough or dangerous situations. Pets provide comfort. Science proved that the presence of pets in a house and sometimes at work can decrease anxiety levels in their owners and comfort them. Overall, pets improve the quality of life of their carers. Because of this, nowadays we see often a lot of emotional support animals, and therapy or service pets. In hospice patients, pets help agitated patients, and in nursing homes, feeding kittens and chickens helps elderly to tackle loneliness. I will conclude by attaching several quotes about animals that I strongly relate to: “When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” ― Anthony Douglas Williams “What greater gift than the love of a cat.” ― Charles Dickens A cat purring on your lap is more healing than any drug in the world, as the vibrations you are receiving are of pure love and contentment. ― St. Francis of Assisi. After a lifetime spent in small living spaces, offices, and commuting in crowded cities, I would like to dedicate some of my time to cats, where my attention and care can be of service and my sensibility towards cats can be appreciated. I will feed your cat as required. Your cat (cats) and me will cuddle or play around with cat toys or will sleep on the sofa. I will let your cat sleep in my lap or my arms. We can go for a walk if your cat (cats) are leash trained. If needed, I will bathe your cat. Let’s connect!
I am an excellent treat giver and coddler extraordinaire.